The caption said something about a hot shower for bedtime, smelling good, candles burning and enjoying the simple things in life. That got me thinking. So many little things I do that are beauty related to kind of pamper myself, are often very simple and cheap. So I thought I would share some of that with you.
Having a beauty blog, people probably think I sit around and groom myself all day - twirl my hair and curl my lashes, put on my finest attire and photograph myself. This couldn't be further from the truth! Even though my love for beauty products is immense, I only put makeup on maybe once or twice a week. Truth! On most days you will find me clean faced with my hair twisted up in a knot with stretchy pants on. Ha. Keeping it real, peeps. But even though I keep it simple, I still like to feel girly and somewhat glamorous. So here's a few tips and tricks on some of the things I do to keep me feelin like a lady.
After a hot shower or bath, I always slather on some type of great smelling lotion. Any kind is fine, there are some great ones at the drugstore, but these are the ones I've been using this winter. I'm almost out of the Twisted Peppermint (how great was that one!), and I've got a bottle of Winter Candy Apple I'm going to use after that. Another thing I'll do is spray on some body spray or perfume spray like this one:
A cheap drugstore product, but smells so nice! Sometimes I use actual perfume, it just depends on what I feel like doing.
As far as candles go, I definitely have somewhat of an obsession with BBW 3 wick candles in the silver candle holders. They are ao pretty and just look fancy. But, I also burn lots of Walmart candles too. This green one is a Febreze one in grapefruit fizz (I think? Can't remember the exact flavor). But anyways, it's a limited edition scent and it smells delicious!
An lastly, throw you on some really cute girly pjs, grab you something hot to drink, cut down the lights and you are good to go. Do any or all of these things and you are sure to feel even a tad bit more glamorous! Delight yourself in even the simplest of things. It all makes a difference! I gots to go now, as Juan Pablo is about to make his weekly appearance. No go get beautified! Ciao!

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