Hey everybody! Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there, especially this one - MY mama. This was our most recent photo together, taken on Easter sunday. I am one blessed gal to be able to call her my mom. But, she's always been more than that. She's been mom, dad, friend, confidant, and so much more.
Wait...get ready for it....I received my first ever Mother's Day gift! A dozen hot pink roses from my furbabies - Oliver, Ava, Darcy, Piper & Tippi.
How beautiful are these!!!! Each rose is as big as a softball. So pretty and so sweet. In honor of the holiday I thought I would share a picture of all my babies. Piper makes her presence well known on my blog, but all my other animals are quite lazy and camera shy.
The first pet I bought after living on my own. He is a 9 year old cream Persian and I bought him from my great-aunt Jenetta. He's a whopping 20 lb and is quite the show-stopping beauty. He's my big boy - the only male in the crowd.
Miss Ava
Ava will be 9 years old this December on my birthday! Yes, we were born the same day. She is a tiny, little Flamepoint Himalayan that is just the sweetest thing EVER. By far my easiest pet I own, she is just precious. A meow so soft you can barely hear it, icy blue eyes, a pale pink nose, and a face so flat I'm surprised she can breath. Everything about Ava is adorable.
My girls - Darcy & Piper
A Yorkie and a Jack Russell that both came into my life and ran away with my heart. If you know me at all you are more than aware of my love for these two. I don't even need to say anything else. MY WORLD.
The newest addition to the bunch. I opened my door one fall morning and this little thing came waddling up from out of nowhere. She is a handful, but has been such a joy.
Happy Mother's Day again to everybody. That includes those of you that happen to only have the 4-legged babies as well. Hope your day is great and full of blessings!

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